Joseph S. Powell, III <***> wrote:
: The original was, while admittedly entertaining in the same way one would
: watch old-school episodes of CHIPS or the Dukes of Hazzard, a 2-dimensional
: show aimed primarily at children;
As I said: It was what it was.
: RDM's BSG was created for adults, in a
: more naturalistic style.
: Re-imagining BSG was not actually Moore's idea - he had pitched a space
: drama show, but the execs pushed the idea of a BSG redo.
I understand Hatch pushed a BSG series many times. It wasn't a
redo, it was a "oh crap, the Cylons found us on Earth", according
to the trailer that I saw.
: Moore is far from "talentless" as you say, otherwise the show would never
: have come close to being the award-winning, "Best show on Television";
Yeah, B5 garnered a lot of recognition as well. Color me not
too impressed. Popularity awards aren't very impressive.
: with
: regard to the New Caprica arc, there were some really brilliant aspects that
: were shown in the storyline
Really? I couldn't get past the "oh shit, we pressed the BIG RED
: ...surely nothing one would have ever seen on the
: old-school BSG, although both did feature Richard Hatch, who really did his
: best acting as Tom Zarek than he ever did as the original Apollo.
Setting the bar pretty high there, aren't you? Careful, you may
trip over it. I would have been seriously disappointed if Hatch
hadn't done better. I suppose he could have mailed it in, but that
too would have been a poor reflection of Hatch and his devotion to
his craft. I'm glad he did a better job. But, I don't see that as
important to the problems of Moore Ron's BSG.
: I agree that it should have been planned a little better, like JMS did with
: B5, but RDM still made it work, creating intricate plotlines
I have to differ. The New Crapica arc is where many of those
"intricate plotlines" went out the airlock. That is where the show
made a fundamental change - from refugees fleeing their suddenly
nasty creations, to a show about divisions within those nasty
creations, and the refugees reduced to pawns.
: with
: 3-dimensional characters that brought it a depth that few shows have even
: today; although the "Final Five" aspect did seem a little contrived,
Thank you for admitting the "final five" were "contrived". As
for "3-dimensional characters that brought it a depth", okay, I
can agree that the potential as there.
Again, I was disappointed by the lack of consistency in the
"second tier" actors. I don't blame the actors for this, although
I will always wonder how much they cared about the issue. To me,
the problem was with the writers, directors and producer.
If Moore Ron had a vision, a plan, and I am not saying he did
not, I would have expected he would have had the characters motivations
down, and not allowed the writers and/or directors to significantly
deviate from those motivations. I thought this was a particularly
egregious problem with Lee Adama/Bamber. I thought that characters
motivations spun like a compass in an iron mine.
And, as for the "final five", as Decker so pointedly put it:
"How could it not know what it was?"
Another character I had problems with was Baltar. I could never
believe that he wasn't off'd simply because he had made too many
enemies, and/or was too "strange". Yeah, I understand it wasn't in
the show's best interest that he be taken out, but, in real life,
"stuff happens", and "best interest" doesn't really enter into it.
: (although I still
: think it would have been kind of interesting to see them end up on
: modern-day Earth rather than 150,000 years ago).
Assuming that they did. :-) I had quite watching by then,
but I read the "yes they did/no they did not" wars in this group.
Much of it seemed to revolve around how much credibility you
gave to Moore Ron, and that is unfortunate. The show's producer
should never be a topic of heated discussion. Which is why I
have reservations that "BSG" wasn't "his" - he invested a lot
to "face time" to a show that you contend wasn't "his" show.
"I like bad!" Bruce Burden Austin, TX.
- Thuganlitha
The Power and the Prophet
Robert Don Hughes